White Belly Bear


White Belly Bear has many adventures.

Her tale begins when she was quite young. At an early age, she happened to be part of a circus traveling through China. She can't remember how she got into the circus in the first place, but she enjoyed meeting so many people and the giggles of the kiddies when they saw her white belly.

One night, there was a fire, and all that White Belly Bear can remember is running and running to get away from the smoke and flames which scared her. She must have passed out from exhaustion. When she awoke, she was surrounded by trees.

Confused and scared, poor little White Belly Bear began walking. She walked and walked, occasionally coming across a stream where she could drink some water. She foraged for food in the forest, but there was no salmon, and no honey to be found. And she was lonely... no other bears and no kiddies.

One day, while walking through the forest, she heard noises that weren't typical forest noises. She silently approached a clearing on the edge of the woods where the sun was shining brightly. There, in the clearing, was a human, a woman, drawing water up from a well. White Belly Bear was scared, but having no friends, no home, and worst of all, no honey, she decided to take a risk. After all, the woman appeared both kind and happy.

White Belly Bear ambled out of the woods and growled coyly to the woman. "My name is White Belly Bear" she said, "I'm lost, can you help me?". The woman was amazed, to say the least. This was China, and the only bears known to the woman were black and white pandas.

"My name is Momma Gao", said the woman. "I have three young children who would enjoy the company of a house bear, especially one as cute and friendly as you. Would you like to come home with me? We're having dim sum tonight."

The choice was clear. Thus began White Belly Bear's long and proud tenure as House Bear to the Gao Family.

Above: White Belly Bear enjoys a refreshing drink in the Gao Family home after being rescued from the forest by Momma Gao.